중국 향낭의 유형과 특성

Types and Characteristics of Chinese Hyangnang

  • 발행 : 2006.11.30


This study is to examine the Hyangnag used in China. Results of the study can be described as below. 1. Hyangnang was also called Hyangdae, Hyanghapo, Hunnang and Chunnang. Perfumes were used to make the body and clothes diffuse a good fragrance. And Perfumes were used to prevent insects and remove related pollutions. It was possible to prevent insects when perfumes were burnt out. 2. In the Han, Song, Yao and Win periods, Hyangnang had Cylinderical, Rectangular, Cylinderical and Rectangular, Circular and Calabach types. These various types were developed into one, Norigae type, in the period of Ching. 3. Hyangnang were decorated mainly with embroideries, knots and seams. Embroideries were applied always onto the surface of Hyangnang. Knots were used mainly in the Song and Win periods, decorative seams were used mainly in the Ching. 4. From the Han to Yao periods, Hyangnang was made of perforate textiles like na and Sa for practical reasons, making perfume smells more easily diffused. From the Win to Ching periods, Hyangang was made of dense textiles like silk and Dan, which could be easily embroidered for decoration purposes. 5. Hyangnang was often hanged down from the waistband and up onto the fore chest or the elbow, or put into the liner of the sleeve. 6. Hyangnang has immanent implications of symbolism, ideology and aristocraticism.



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