상호작용 상황에서의 정서표현, 정서이해 및 정서조절 능력이 학령기 아동의 공격성 및 또래관계에 미치는 직.간접적 영향

Affective Predictors of School-Age Children's Aggression and Peer Relationships: Direct and Indirect Effects

  • 발행 : 2006.10.31


This study explored the relationship between children's emotional competence, aggression and peer relationships. Participants were 164 third and 134 fourth grade children from five elementary schools in Seoul and Chenan. Emotional competence, aggression and peer relationships were assessed by means of a questionnaire, interview and observation. Results indicated that emotional understanding of self and others, sex, age, emotional expression and passive regulation strategies were significant variables in predicting children's aggression. Emotional understanding was the most predictable variable in relation to peer relationships. Emotional understanding, emotional regulation and emotional expression made independent contributions to aggression and peer relationships. Mediation analyses revealed that the significant connections between children's emotional competence and negative peer relationships were mostly mediated by aggression.



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