스키마에 의한 현대주택의 전통성 표현에 관한 연구

A Study on the Expression of Traditionality in the Contemporary House base on Schema

  • 발행 : 2006.10.31


An architecture is a result from representation of design knowledge by architect's creative thinking, and operated only in his internal organization system. Design knowledge based upon the experience that they have achieved in the past as well as the informations they have accumulated over the time. In this point of view, the Schema that formed by problems settlement and process repetitions for the best conclusion, not only play an important part in the designer's thinking system about a specific problem but also appeared by distinctive features. This research looks to achieve a new design method by finding out how architects express traditionality in the contemporary house through schema. This research analyze contemporary house built in seoul of 1990's. The result are as followings. First, Schema is a 'frame' that already exist in the architect's thinking, will make a good guide about express the traditionality. Second, We found out several distinctive characters in the form and the space. The form is divided in five types. It is an condensed form of roof image, the metamorphosis of form grammar, the change of part details, the representation of design principle and the directly expression. Lastly, In the space, it is the borrow of the connection method of inside and external space, the three parts composition of the space, the adaptation of 'Madang' and the Independent composition of the space due to 'Chae'



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