Optimum TCP/IP Packet Size for Maximizing ATM Layer Throughput in Wireless ATM LAN

  • Published : 2006.11.30


This paper provides optimum TCP/IP packet size that maximizes the throughput efficiency of ATM layer as a function of TCP/IP packet length for several values of channel BER over wireless ATM LAN links applying data link error control schemes to reduce error problems encountered in using wireless links. For TCP/IP delay-insensitive traffc requiring reliable delivery, it is necessary to adopt data link layer ARQ protocol. So ARQ error control schemes considered in this paper include GBN ARQ, SR ARQ and type-I Hybrid ARQ, which ARQ is needed, but FEC can be used to reduce the number of retransmissions. Especially adaptive type-I Hybrid ARQ scheme is necessary for a variable channel condition to make the physical layer as SONET-like as possible.



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