The purpose of this study were to develop an web-based education program for Lung cancer patients and to test its effects on patients' self-care knowledge, compliance to medical regimen, nutrition status and pain. The program was developed by the following process: first, Lung cancer patients demand on the web-based program was investigated. and second, the program was developed with the help of various reference books and then validation of experts group. last, educations effects on the patients is evaluated and compared the differences in self-care knowledge, compliance to medical regimen, nutrition status and pain between on experimental group and a control group on before discharge 1day and 3weeks after. SPSS/Win 11.0 program was used for data analysis. It was proven with $x^2$ test and t-test, and Pearson Correlation coefficient, and Chronbach's alpha coefficient were done for the reliability of measuring instruments. 1. The summary of the Program development is as follows. The program is based on patients' questionnaire and reference material and is made for users friendly. Not only Bigger font size and bright colors but also illustrations or pictures were adopted to help enhance patients' understanding. 2. The summary of the study results is as follows. 1) Compared with control group, the web-based educated experimental group showed a statistical significant difference on self-care knowledge, Especially disease, radiation treatment, medication & analgesics, chemotherapy side effect, but there was no significant difference in the field of chemotherapy, in the fields of operation, diet & general knowledge. 2) Compared with control group, the web-based educated experimental group showed a statistical significant difference on compliance to medical regimen, especially in the field of follow up care, everyday life, diet, but there was no significant difference in the field of medication, exercise. 3) Compared with control group, web-based educated experimental group showed no significant difference in nutrition status, but partially significant difference in body weight. 4) Compared with control group, the web-based educated experimental group showed no significant difference in pain level. 5) The significantly positive correalation self-care knowledge with the compliance to medical regimen. 6) Users satisfaction with the web-based education program of the contents quality, the level of recommendation to others, content layout, medical information quality, but interesting got a low mark.