고구려 복식의 양식 분석 -고구려 바지를 중심으로-

An Analysis of the Style of Kogufo Costume -Trousers-

  • 홍나영 (이화여자대학교 의류직물학과) ;
  • 이미현 (이화여자대학교 의류직물학과 대학원)
  • Hong Na Young (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Ewha Womans University) ;
  • Lee Mi-Hyeon (Dept. of Clothing & Textiles, Ewha Womans University)
  • 발행 : 2005.03.01


The purpose of this study is to analyze the style of trousers of Koguryo(高句麗). Trousers of Koguryo were called Go(袴: trousers) and those had various forms according to the shape of gusset(dang, 糖), width and length of the trousers. Commonly the trousers that had worn by Koguryo people had gausset in those bottom not to be shown hip. The gausset was cut triangle or square so if a person wear the trouser with the triangular gausset, the trouser has a pointed hip. Sometimes the trousers had non pointed hips were dicovered in the wall-paintings of the Koguryo tombs, they are thought the trousers that had no gaussets or square one. And also there were another trousers that had wide/narrow legs and long/short legs. Trousers of wide legs were called Gwango(寬袴) and narrow legs Sego(細袴). Gwango(寬袴) grew wider over time and in the late age, the trousers were called Daegugo(大口袴) with wide ends were worn. Trousers were also decorated elaborately with patches on the edges, leg ties, vents, etc.



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  8. 漢書 列傳 卷97上 外戚傳 第67上 孝昭上官皇后 雖宮人 使令皆爲窮絝 多其帶 後宮莫有進者 註: 服虔曰 窮絝 有前後當 不得交通也 師古曰 使令 所使之人也 絝 古袴字也 窮絝卽今之緄襠袴也 令音力征反 緄音 下昆反
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  13. 이경자 (1983) 한국복식사론. 서울: 一志社, p. 102
  14. 魏書 列傳 卷103 補 第91 蠕蠕 : 紫納大口袴褶 -具
  15. 階書 志, 卷12 第7 禮儀七: 紫衫大口袴褶
  16. 舊唐書 志 卷45 第25 輿服 衣服 侍臣服: 緋褶大口袴
  17. 유희경, 김문자 (2000). 한국복식문화사. 서울: 敎文社, p. 13에서 재인용
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  19. 王宇淸 (1967), 中國服裝史網. 臺北: 中華大典編, p. 108
  20. 三國志, 卷23 魏書23 裵潜傳 時天大寒 宣前以當受杖 豫脫袴 纏禈面縛 及其原 禈腰體 不下 乃趨而去
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  23. 王宇淸 (1967), 中國服裝史網. 臺北: 中華大典編, pp. 103-109
  24. 김인숙 (1987). 바지考. 대한가정학회지, 25(2), p. 3
  25. 漢書 列傳 卷 57上 司馬相如傳 第27上 師古曰 卽今之松也 形似犢鼻 故以名云 松音之容反
  26. 史記 三家注 列傳 卷117 司馬相如列博 第五十七 註 集解韋昭曰 今三尺布作形如犢鼻 稱此者 言其無恥也
  27. 梁書 列傳 卷50 第44 : 後以在省署 夜著犢鼻禈
  28. 南史列傳 卷34第24 : 夏月著犢鼻禈
  29. 北史列傳 卷81第69 : 常閉戶讀書 暑月唯著犢鼻揮禈