Concord: A Proactive Lightweight Middleware to Enable Seamless Connectivity in a Pervasive Environment

  • Hsu Sam (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University) ;
  • Mutha Mahesh (Motorola Inc.) ;
  • Pandya A.S. (Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University) ;
  • Lho Young-Uhg (Dept of Computer Education, Silla University)
  • Published : 2005.09.01


One of the major components of any pervasive system is its proactive behavior. Various models have been developed to provide system wide changes which would enable proactive behavior. A major drawback of these approaches is that they do not address the need to make use of existing applications without modifying the applications. To overcome this drawback, a middleware architecture called 'Concord' is proposed. Concord is based on a simple model which consists of Lookup Server and Database. The rewards for this simple model are many. First, Concord uses the existing computing infrastructure. Second, Concord standardizes the interfaces for all services and platforms. Third, new services can be added dynamically without any need for reconfiguration. Finally, Concord consists of Database that can maintain and publish the active set of available resources. Thus Concord provides a solid system for integration of various entities to provide seamless connectivity and enable proactive behavior.



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