A Study on the Environmental Assessment Criteria for Designation of Conservation Zones in Urban Area

환경성 평가시 도시보전용도지역 확보기준에 관한 연구

  • Lee, Sang-Moon (Faculty of Urban Planning & Architectural Eng., Hyupsung University) ;
  • Jeon, Young-Ok (Samsung Economic Research Institute)
  • Received : 2005.09.14
  • Accepted : 2005.11.07
  • Published : 2005.12.31


The environmental conservation-targeted zoning in urban planning process has been functioned as securing a ecological core in urban green spaces management. Hence, the designation of conservation zones in land use planning is considered as a key task to achieve the sustainability of urban planning. The recently introduced pre-environmental review system for the proposed urban plan, by which the conservative measures for urban ecosystem and landscape are suggested in aspect of environmental impact mitigation, has played an active role in enhancing the environmental performance degraded by wide range of development pressure. This study is aimed at drawing out of objective criteria for designation of environmental conservation zones, which can be applied to urban planning establishment and also to environmental assessment process. To achieve this goal, the study adopted the following methods; pre-study review, analysis of existing official opinion statements released by the Ministry of Environment, contents analysis of related laws, and experts' panel discussions on the finally arranged criteria. The results of this research can be summarized as follows: First, the total criteria of 48 are drown out with categorizing into environment-ecological and socio-cultural sectosr. Second, the environment-ecological part is composed of 33 criteria such as vegetation, animal, geomorphology, watershed, environmental land suitability, and etc. Here, the Degree of Ecological Function, Degree of Environmental Land Suitability, and Vegetation Map are mainly utilized. Third, the 15 socio-cultural criteria relating to the history, social ecology and landscape have such components as forest around relics, Seo-won(school), castle, tomb, landmark, skyline, natural landscape, and etc. Forth, these individual criteria can be applied to designation of each conservation zones among total of 11 conservation areas(or districts).



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