A Study on the Alternative Environmental Assessment System in KOREA : Applying New Conceptual Model(APEMI IA MODEL) into Impact Assessment for Better Integrated Decision-Making

대안적 환경평가 시스템 연구: 통합적 의사결정을 위한 새로운 개념의 영향평가모형(APEMI IA MODEL)의 국내 적용방안 탐색

  • Kim, Im Soon (Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Kwangwoon University) ;
  • Han, Sang Wook (Kwangwoon Strategic Environmental Assessment Institute(KWSEAI))
  • 김임순 (광운대학교 환경대학원) ;
  • 한상욱 (광운전략환경평가연구소)
  • Received : 2005.06.09
  • Accepted : 2005.07.25
  • Published : 2005.08.31


As the world's attention turns to sustainability and the considerations of cumulative effects, the concept of Strategic Environmental Assessment(SEA) has become more significant and urgent and increasing number of countries and international organizations now undertake some forms of SEA. The term SEA, however, is variously defined and understood; generally it means a formal process of systematic analysis of the environmental effects on development policies, plans, programmes and other proposed strategic actions. This process extends the aims and principles of EIA upstream in the decision-making process, beyond the project level in which major alternatives are still open. There is a shift toward more integrative approaches and greater use of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) as sustainability tools in cooperation with Environmental Management System (EMS). Currently, Korea has EIA system and Prior Environmental Review System (PERS) which is different type of SEA as Environment Assessment (EA) system. APEMI IA MODEL integrated following three pillar(refer to attached figure.1) ; First pillar symbolized decision making cycle with planning process. Second pillar symbolized integrated assessment which tying SEA and EIA with specific impacts assessment(eg: social impact assessment, economic impact assessment, health impact assessment etc) in cooperation with EMS. Third pillar symbolized EA best practical procedure of International Association for Impact Assessment(IAIA). Considering the above, we applied new conceptual model(APEMI IA MODEL) into Impact Assessment for better integrated decision-making in KOREA as an alternative IA system(IS IA MODEL A and B refer to attached figure 4, 5).



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