군간-군내-부품내 변동을 고려한 Gage R&R 분석에 관한 연구

A Study of Gage R&R Analysis Considering the Variations of Between-Within Group and Within Part

  • 투고 : 20050600
  • 심사 : 20050800
  • 발행 : 2005.12.31


The purpose of the Gage R&R study is to determine whether a measurement system is adequate for monitoring a process. If the measurement system variation is small relative to the process variation, then the measurement system is deemed "adequate". The sources of variation associated with the measurement system are compared using an analysis of variance (ANOVA) model, in general. A typical ANOVA model used in a standard Gage R&R study is the two-factor random effect model. Then, the ANOVA partitions the total variation into three categories: repeatability, reproducibility, part variation. However, if the process variation possesses the between group variation, within group variation, and within part variation, these variations can cause the measurement system evaluation to provide misleading results. That is, in the standard Gage R&R study these variations affect the estimate of repeatability, reproducibility, or both. This paper presents a four-factor nested factorial ANOVA model which explicitly considers these variations for the Gage R&R study. The variance component estimators are derived by setting the EMS equations equal to the corresponding mean square from the ANOVA table and solving. And the proposed model is compared with the standard Gage R&R model.



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