A Study on Prediction of Aircraft Noise in Tae-an Airfield

항공기소음예측에 관한 연구;태안비행장 중심으로

  • 김도현 (한서대학교 항공교통관리학과) ;
  • 박수복 (한서대학교 항공운항학과) ;
  • 송병흠 (한국항공대학교 항공운항학과)
  • Published : 2005.09.30


Hanseo University's Tae-an Airfield was opened in July, 2005 for aeronautical education such as aircraft flight, air traffic control, avionics, etc., and will play an important part as a base for local economic and industrial developments. On the contrary, the aircraft noise from the airfield will give an impact against the vicinity of the airfield and become a big issue which the airfield authority has to solve. The aim of this study is to analyse the aircraft noise contour in vicinity of the airfield and to make understand the people around the airfield how much the aircraft noise will have an effect on. For the prediction of the aircraft noise in the local area, this study showed the method to assess the aircraft noise in the developed countries for aviation, and the result to compute WECPNL by INM 6.1 after encoding the various data including environmental input data, tract, and profile. The major results of the study can be summarized as follows ; While the area with influence contour of noise from 75 to 80 WECPNL is 0.555$km^2$, the area from 80 to 85 is 0.343$km^2$, and the area with influence contour of noise over 85 WECPNL is 0.163$km^2$. In addition, there are 4 houses in the contour over 85 WECPNL and the inhabitants(10 people) in this area will have effect from the noise. Therefore Tae-an airfeild authority is preparing the noise-prevention method or noise abatement program. Finally, according to the noise contour, it is one of the best way of decreasing the effect of aircraft noise that 33 runway is assigned as calm-wind runway because there is no resident in the area around 15 threshold.
