Long-term behavior of segmentally-erected prestressed concrete box-girder bridges

  • Hedjazi, S. (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University) ;
  • Rahai, A. (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Amirkabir University) ;
  • Sennah, K. (Civil Engineering Department, Ryerson University)
  • 투고 : 2004.10.13
  • 심사 : 2005.05.17
  • 발행 : 2005.08.20


A general step-by-step simulation for the time-dependent analysis of segmentally-erected prestressed concrete box-girder bridges is presented. A three dimensional finite-element model for the balanced-cantilever construction of segmental bridges, including effects of the load history, material nonlinearity, creep, shrinkage, and aging of concrete and the relaxation of prestressing steel was developed using ABAQUS software. The models included three-dimensional shell elements to model the box-girder walls and Rebar elements representing the prestressing tendons. The step-by-step procedure allows simulating the construction stages, effects of time-dependent deformations of materials and changes in the structural system of the bridges. The structural responses during construction and throughout the service life were traced. A comparison of the developed computer simulation with available experimental results was conducted and good agreement was found. Deflection of the bridge deck, changes in stresses and strains and the redistribution of internal forces were calculated for different examples of bridges, built by the balanced-cantilever method, over thirty-year duration. Significant time-dependent effects on the bridge deflections and redistribution of internal forces and stresses were observed. The ultimate load carrying capacities of the bridges and the behavior before collapse were also determined. It was observed that the ultimate load carrying capacity of such bridges decreases with time as a result of time-dependent effects.



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