해상에서의 선속 손실량 산정을 위한 약산식 개발 연구

A Research on the Approximate Formulae for the Speed Loss at Sea

  • 권영중 (울산대학교 조선해양공학부) ;
  • 김대영 (삼성코닝주식회사)
  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


An improved approximate formula is presented for Series 60 forms, modifying the approximate formula, developed by the Author in 1983. The weather formula is based on interpretations of detailed calculations of speed loss, due to wind(van Berlekom), motions(Maruo), and wave reflection resistance(Kwon). Comparison is made between the result of the approximate formula and the one of detailed calculation. The result of the formula is also compared with some published full-scale data for speed loss.



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  7. Kwon, Y.J., Kim, E.C. and Hwangbo, S.M. (2000). 'Estimating the Effect of Wind and Waves on Ship Speed Performance', The Naval Architect, Sept., RINA, pp 96-104
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  14. Townsin, R.L. and Kwon, Y.J. (1983). 'Approximate Formulae for the Speed Loss Due to Added Resistance in Wind and Waves', Tran. RINA, Vol 125, pp 199-207
  15. van Berlekom, W.B. (1981). 'Wind Force on Modem Ship Forms-Effects on Performance', Tran. NECIES, Vol 97, pp 123-134