Ronchamp성당 남측 개구부에 나타나는 은유사고의 메카니즘에 관한 연구

A Study on Metaphor process in south windows of the Chapel at Ronchamp

  • 발행 : 2005.04.01


Metaphor has been regarded as a simple methods for decorating languages for a long time, nowadays it has important role in creative thinking. Designers have had used metaphoric thoughts in art work design and architectural design as well as writers. But designers and art critics have not recognize its importance, in addition research about metaphor specially in design have not even started yet in any design areas. This research is on the line of studying automation design by explain mechanism of metaphoric design regarded as black box. Ronchamp Chapel design by Le Corbusier has been analyzed and some metaphoric processes has been logically described. In this process, properties of sound are transferred and used as window design to control lights.



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