비정시의 안구운동에 의한 양안시 이상 분석

Analysis of Binocular Abnormality by Eyeball Motion in Ametropia

  • 투고 : 2005.04.21
  • 발행 : 2005.07.31


교정시력이 1.0 이상인 21세에서 30세 사이인 대학생 90명(남25명, 여65명)을 대상으로 포롭터를 이용하여 양안시 검사를 하였다. 원거리에서 허성상대 폭주력(외전)의 기대치(흐린점/분리점/회복점)내에 포함되는 대상의 비율은 78%/61%/67%로 나타났고, 개산과다는 9%/31%/23%, 개산부족은 13%/8%/9%이었다. 원거리에서 실성상대폭주력(내전)은 20%/46%/39%, 폭주과다는 22%/14%/16%, 폭주부족은 35%/40%/45%를 각각 보였다. AC/A비 측정에서 42명이 정상이었고 38명은 낮음, 나머지는 높음을 보였으며 낮은 AC/A비는 조절관계에서 낮은 이향운동의 결과로 볼 수 있다. 근거리에서 허성상대 폭주력 기대치는 26%/29%/44%로 나타났고, 개산과다는 61%/33%/24%, 개산부족은 3%138%/32%이었으며 실성상대 폭주력의 기대치내에 포함되는 대상의 비율은 33%/40%/31%, 폭주과다는 61%/23%/42%, 폭주부족은 6%/37%/27%로 각각 나타났다. 폭주근점 검사에서 58%는 8cm 이내로 기대치에 포함되었다. 허성상대조절력(NRA)과 실성상대조절력(PRA) 검사 결과 기대지내에 포함되는 대상의 비율은 각각 41%와 33%였다. 그리고 조절부족은 33%와 43% 및 조절과다는 26%와 24%를 각각 나타냈다. 조절과다는 NRA의 낮은값과 관련되었고 초절부족과 폭주과다는 NRA의 높은 값과 관련 있고, 조절과다이면서 폭주과다인 기능 이상은 NRA의 높은 값과 관련 있는 것으로 나타났다.

To evaluate the reliability of binocular vision measurements by phorometry. 90 students volunteered to participate in this study. 25 subjects were males, and 65 were females, they ranged in ages from 21 to 30 years. All subjects had normal ocular and systematic health, and all of them had at least 1.0 visual acuity with their best correction. At negative relative convergence(NRC) measurement in distance, the percentage of subjects is included in expected value(blur point/break point/recovery point) was 78%/61%/67%, divergence excess(DE) was 9%/31%/33%, and divergence insufficience(DI) was 13%/8%/9%, respectively. And positive relative convergence(PRC) measurement, includes expected value was 20%/46%/39%, convergence excess(CE) was 22%/14%/16%, and convergence insufficience(CI) was 35%/40%/45%. AC/A ratios of 42 subjects were normal. 38 were low, and the rest of them high. A low AC/A ratio is usually the result of a small vergence response in relation to accommodation. Negative relative convergence(NRC) at near, includes expected value was 26%/29%/44%, divergence excess(DE) was 61%/33%/24%, and divergence insufficience(DI) was 3%/38%/32%. And PRC at near, includes expected value was 33%/40%/31%, convergence excess(CE) was 61%/23%/42%, and convergence insufficience(CI) was 6%/37%/27%. For the near point of convergence(NPC) test, 58% of their subjects had a break of ${\leq}8cm$ with the accommodative target. In case of NRA(PRA) measurement, the expected value was 41%(33%). Accommodative insufficiency (AI) was 33%(43%), and accommodative excess(AE) was 26%(24%), respectively. AE was related to respectively low values of NRA. AI and CE are associated with high value of NRA, and the dysfunction of convergence excess combined with AE was related to a normal-high values of NRA. PRA in AI was related to a low value, wheres the dysfunction are associated with high values of PRA.
