정부 및 지방행정혁신의 지속적 성과향상 방법 -조직개발과 업무혁신 변화관리 실행 매뉴얼 -

Research on Continuous Improvement in Productivity for The Central and Local Government Administration

  • 김진규 ((재)한국산업혁신개발원) ;
  • 신동주 ((재)한국산업혁신개발원) ;
  • 김형기 ((재)한국산업혁신개발원)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.31


This research is about continuous improvement in productivity for the central and local government administration. It is a comprehensive execution manual that summarizes from preparation to completion of this task. If you follow the process described in this research, you will achieve the following. l. You will motivate the innovators. 2. You will spare yourself of many trial and errors and risks thus increasing the effectiveness, 3. You will eliminate the obstacles to innovation. 4. You will continue to innovate and will be able to assess the results through visible index.
