선박의 항로추종을 위한 LOS 가이던스 시스템의 제안

A Proposal of an LOS Guidance System of a Ship for Path Following

  • 김종화 (한국해양대학교 IT공학부) ;
  • 이병결 (한국해양대학교 제어계측공학과)
  • Published : 2005.04.01


This paper proposes an LOS(line-of-sight) guidance system of a ship for path following. From the viewpoint of a control configuration, guidance is a special type of compensation algorithm that is placed in front of the controller to accomplish navigational objects. A guidance system generates a reference trajectory for trajectory tracking or path control and decides the desired velocity, position and heading angle. A control system executes commands based on a reliable guidance law during navigation. An LOS vector from the vessel to a point on the path between two way-points in straight-line navigation or a point among turning circle in turning navigation is selected, and then a heading angle is calculated to converge the desired path based on the LOS vector. The LOS guidance law is defined for the straight-line and the turning circle, respectively. The effectiveness of the suggested LOS guidance system is assured through computer simulation.



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