정체 수역 내에서 미세조류의 생리생화학적 분석에 의한 수화발생 잠재력 탐색

Probe of Algal Growth Potential (AGP) by Physio-Biochemical Analysis of Microalgae in the Stagnant Watershed

  • 김미경 (영남대학교 해양과학연구센터) ;
  • 신재기 (한국수자원공사 수자원연구원) ;
  • 지홍기 (영남대학교 토목도시환경공학부)
  • Kim, Mi-Kyung (Marine Science Research Center, Yeungnam University) ;
  • Shin, Jae-Ki (Environmental Research Center, Korea Institute of Water and Environment, Water Resources Corporation) ;
  • Ji, Hong-Ki (School of Civil, Urban and Environmental Engineering, Yeungnam University)
  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


Algal growth potentials were probed by algal growth rates, maximal PSII quantum yields and ATP amount as well as dry weights of algae to evaluate the water fertility due to the algal growth in the stream (CT) and stagnant watershed (WW). Oscillatoria agardhii (CY) and Coelastrum reticulatum (CH) were cultured in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) starvation media (CH-10 medium) and re-inoculated in CT and WW for 7 days. Cell division rates of CY were the highest (k = 7.5) in WW after N starvation, while those of CH were the hight (k = 2.97) in WW after P starvation. The growth of CY was limited by P, while that of CH was by N. Conversely, maximal PSII quantum yields of CH were generally higher than those of CY in CT and WW according to culture time. CY was much more sensibly adapted than CH according to the variations of nutrient amounts in WW. The water fertility was much higher in WW than in CT. The potential assessment tool for water fertility will be able to compensate for the limit of physio-chemical analyses and to be applied as a monitoring system to forecast red-tide.



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