The study on the actual conditions of bulling and the psychosocial factors affecting bullying behavior

중학생의 따돌림 가해 실태 및 심리사회적 요인

  • Received : 2005.11.11
  • Accepted : 2005.11.30
  • Published : 2005.12.30


Bullying behavior problems among middle school students have been increasing and being severe social problem. Therefore, on the basis of ecosystematic perspective, this study proposed the psychosocial factors that have various subsystems, such as individual level, family level, school level. Purposes of this study are to grasp the actual conditions of bulling and to examine psychosocial factors affecting bullying behavior of middle school students. For this study, surveyed were those 354 students who indicated they experienced bullying. The findings are as follows: Firstly, 49.2% of surveyed youth has the bullying offending experience. In detail, 26.7% of the bullies is estrangement from relations, 41.9% is verbal teasing, 18.2% is physical teasing. Secondly, the most important psychosocial factors to influence bullying behavior has been found the factors from the school. In the next place, from the individual. The prior factors that have relative influencing power on the bullying behavior are in order as follows- experience as victims of bullying and witness to bullying, aggression, peer group's exposure to delinquency, emotional unrest among sub-type borderline features, self-esteem, peer aggregation, a marital discord.



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