초등학교 고학년생의 안전교육프로그램 개발 및 효과 평가

Development and Effect Evaluation of Safety Education Program for Higher Grade Students of Elementary School

  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


Purpose: This study evaluated the effectiveness of safety education programs for students in higher grades of elementary school. Methods: This study involved a test group and a control group, each consisting of 214 students in higher grades of elementary school. These students were subjected to before and after simulation tests conducted between September 9 and October 22, 2004. Results: We predict that the test group who received safety education training will possess a greater knowledge about safety and will conduct themselves in a relatively safer manner relative tothe control group that did not receive safety education training. Conclusion: The above results implicate the importance of a continuous and systematic safety education program and demonstrate the ability of such programs to encourage safe conduct among elementary school children.



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