인지행동요법과 현실요법이 대학생의 문제해결능력과 역기능적 태도에 미치는 효과

The Effects of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Problem-Solving Ability and Dysfunctional Attitude in Undergraduate Students

  • 현미열 (제주대학교 간호학과 교수)
  • 발행 : 2005.12.01


Purpose: This study examined the effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy on problem-solving ability and dysfunctional attitudes in undergraduate students. Method: This study was conducted between September 2004 and May 2005. The subjects consisted of 23 undergraduate students. The experimental group (n=13) participated in a cognitive-behavioral therapy that consist of 8 session over an 8-week period. The control group (n=10) participated in a reality therapy that also consisted of 8 sessions over an 8-week period. Problem-solving ability and dysfunctional attitudes were measured for all subjects before and after therapy. These data were analyzed by unpaired t-test and t-test with the SAS program. Results: Following cognitive-behavioral therapy, the experimental group experienced a significant decrease in score of problem-solving ability and in approach-avoidance style (the subscale in the problem-solving ability). There were no changes in these values after the reality therapy in control group. Conclusions: In light of these results, cognitive-behavioral therapy has a positive effect on problem-solving ability in undergraduate students.



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