Treatability Prediction Method for Nanofiltration Systems in Drinking Water Treatments

정수처리에 이용되는 나노여과막시스템의 성능예측방법 확립

  • 강미아 (안동대학교 공과대학 환경공학과) ;
  • 伊藤雅喜 (일본 국립보건의료과학원 수도공학부)
  • Received : 2005.06.22
  • Accepted : 2005.09.27
  • Published : 2005.10.15


This research is conducted to develop predictable method of real scale nanofiltration treatability with small scale nanofiltration experiments. As a result of comparing calculated values with measured values, they are in a good agreement for the concentrations in filtered water and concentrated water. The results of that are not affected by change of system recovery from 20% to 95%. The proposed method is produced using constant recovery of elements, that is, no considering the pressure change. we can predict filtrated flux and contaminant concentrations with the method. The method has the following steps. (1) Calculate recovery of each element with water quality level after fixing recovery elements, (2) Predict system recovery with recovery of elements in 1, 2, 3, and 4 banks, (3) Run small scale nanofiltration experiments in predicted water quality and (4) Simulate large scale nanofiltration system for forecasting actual water quality. As the cost for nanofiltration pretest will reduced if we use the proposed method, it will be a promising method for introducing nanofiltration to supply safe drinking water.



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