- 친인척보호 소년소녀가장세대의 가족기능에 관한 연구 강수진
- 조부모 대리양육가정의 사회적 지지와 부모역활 책임에 대한 인식 김봉미
- 가정위탁 보호사업의 활성화 방안에 관한 연구 고승희
- 한국아동복지학 v.11 소년소녀가장을 위한 후견인 제도의 정착방안 문선화
- 보건복지통계연보 보건복지부
- 대한가정학회지 v.41 가정위탁서비스의 보호형태별 특성과 위탁아동의 적응에 관한 요인 양심영
- 한국가족복지학 v.4 no.2 가정위탁보호 양육환경에 관한 연구 이송이
- 한국아동복지학 v.7 가정위탁양육 관계법의 개정 허남순
- 가정위탁지원센터 개소 1주년 기념 학술세미나자료 효과적인 서비스 제공을 위한 가정위탁 지원센터의 기능과 역할 허남순
- Social Work in Education v.19 A reveille for school social workers: Children in foster care need our help! Altshuler, S.J.
- Social Work v.48 no.1 From barriers to successful collaboration : public schools and child welfare working together Altshuler, S.J.
- Journal of Family Social Work v.7 no.2 Assessing child well-being in non-relative foster care with a new outcome measurement tool Altshuler, S.J.;Poertner, J.
- Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal v.14 What happens to foster kids : Educational experiences of a random sample of foster care youth and a matched group of non-foster care youth Blome, W.W.
- The forms of capital;Handbook of theory and research for the sociology of education Bourdieu, P.;Richardson, J.G.(ed.)
- Iowa Tests of Basic Skills(1TBS) city wide results over time 1997 to 2004, [www document] Chicago Public Schools
- Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Helath and Human Services
- Policy perspective: Parental involvement in education Colman, J.S.
- American Journal of Sociology v.94 Social capital in the creation of human capital Coleman, J.
- Education and Urban Society v.19 Parent involvement: what research says to administrators Epstein, J.L.
- Reconstructing Resilience: Including African American female students in educational resiliency research Evans-Winters, V.E.
- Children in foster care : A longitudinal investigation Fanshel, D.;Shinn, E.B.
- Journal of Educational Research v.80 Home influence on school learning : Direct and indirect effects of parental involvement on high school grades Fehrmann, P.G.;Keith, T.Z.;Reimers, T.M.
- Review of Educational Research v.42 Expectations and the educational environment Finn, J.D.
- Journal of School Psychology v.37 Educational expectations and school achievement of urban African American children Gill, S.;Reynolds, A.J.
- Child Development v.65 Parent's involvement in children's schooling: A multidimensional conceptualization and motivational model Grolnick, W.S.;Slowiaczek, M.L.
- Journal of Adolescence v.21 Surviving the care system : education and resilience Jackson, S.;Martin, P.Y.
- Harvard Educational Review v.23 Educational and occupational aspirations of 'common man' boys Kahl, J.A.
- Advances in Reading/Language Research v.5 Parent involvement and achievement in high school Ketih, T.Z.
- Family structure effects on student outcomes;Parents, their children, and schools Lee, S.;Schneider, B.(ed.);Coleman, J.S.(ed.)
- Studies in Educational Evaluation v.9 The evaluation of a family learning environment model Marjoribanks, K.
- Growing up with a single parent McLanahan, S.;Sandefur, G.
- Social Forces v.78 Parental investment as social capital : Differential effectiveness on science achievement, truancy, and dropping out McNeal, R.B. Jr.
- Parent involvement in home, school, and community;Parents, their children, and schools Muller, C.;Kerbow, D.;Schneider, B.(ed.);Coleman, J.S.(ed.)
- Merrill-Palmer Quarterly v.29 no.1 Parents' educational expectations and children's academic achievements: A literature review Seginer, R.
- American Journal of Sociology v.73 Social class, parental encouragement, and educational aspirations Sewell;Shah
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.58 Social capital and dropping out of school early Tachman, J.D.;Paasch, K.;Carver, K.
- Child placement and social capital Testa, M.F.