아동의 개인적 특성 및 어머니의 심리통제와 아동의 컴퓨터 게임 몰입

Children‘s Personal Characteristics, Mothers' Psychological Control, and the Extent of Children's Computer Game Playing

  • 정윤주 (인천대학교 소비자아동학과)
  • Chyung Yun-Joo (Dept. of consumer and Child Studies, University of Incheon)
  • 발행 : 2005.11.01


The purposes of this study were to examine: (1) the extent to which school-age children used computer games; (2) whether there were differences between children who played computer games to a greater extent and children who played computer games to a normal extent in their levels of depression, anxiety, self-esteem, and social anxiety; and (3) whether children's social withdrawal, aggression, and mothers' psychological control explained the extent of children's computer game playing. The subject were 270 children in the 6th grade. It was found that $55.6\%$ of the children were normal users, $39.3\%$ of the children were somewhat heavy users, and $5.2\%$ of the children were heavy users of computer games. There was a gender difference in the proportions of heavy computer game playing. That is, there were more heavy users among boys than among girls. It was also found that social withdrawal, aggression, and mothers' psychological control were significant predictors of the extent of children's computer game playing. That is, the levels of children's social withdrawal, aggression, and their perceptions of mothers' psychological control predicted the degree to which children played computer games.



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