A Study on the Interior of Blood Donation Houses of the Korean Red Cross - Improvement Advice based on Recent Changes around Seoul Area -

적십자사 헌혈의 집 실내공간의 실태분석에 따른 개선 방안에 관한 연구 - 서울지역을 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2005.12.01


For a safe and stable supply of blood in Korea, 'Blood Donation Houses' are springing up all over Korea to advertise and improve the awareness on blood donations. This research will conduct a study on such blood donation centers, their conditions and problems. It will furthermore provide solutions to raise the level of comfort to donators and help nurses for a better working environment. The research will be conducted in 'Blood Donation Houses' that were established by 4 centers of the Korean Red Cross in Seoul after 1993. Any houses that are temporary (containers, buses, smaller than 15 pyung) were excluded from this study. In order to investigate changes of these houses, the ones analyzed and recorded in the 2002 data were used as a basis for comparison. A total of 16 houses were selected for this study. 5 houses were closed after the initial study of 2002, and 6 houses were not available for research upon above mentioned criteria, leaving 9 houses from the original 2002 data. 7 additional houses were opened after 2002, which were included in this study. The research was conducted by a close study of written materials on the historical and theoretical viewpoint of blood donations, as well as visits to the actual Blood Donation Houses. The conclusion will offer solutions to necessary functional and working space, and lighting in such houses on the basis of above analyzed theoretical and practical data.



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