한국 근대초기 서양 목구조의 수용과 교회 내부공간형태에 관한 연구 - 개화기와 일제강점기 교회건축의 지붕틀 구조를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Acceptance of Western timber structure and the Interior space of Church buildings in the early modern period in Korea - Focused on the roof structure of church architecture in the Flowering and Japanese occupation period -

  • 발행 : 2005.10.01


This Study is concerned with the acceptance of Western timber structure and the interior space of church buildings in the early modern period in Korea. Timber roofs have represented a wide variety of constructional forms and have been fundamental to any technological appraisal of the evolution of both of Western and Eastern architecture. Especially the roof structure of the church buildings reflects the technological level, aesthetic sense, and spacial concepts of the age. Between Western timber structure and Korean timber structure, there are many differences in not only structural form but also form of roof, members, load, frame system and etc. And there were various types of framing technique such as timber truss, timber arch, timber vault in the western style church architecture in the early modern period in Korea. I have summarized the character of the acceptance process of Western timber structure and the influences on the interior space of church buildings.



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