뇌파와 감정반응 평가를 통한 패션제품의 TV 광고효과 연구

Effectiveness Measurement of TV Advertisement for Fashion Goods with EEG and Affective Responses as Determined by the Types of Appeal

  • 최주영 (경희대학교 생활과학대학 의상학전공) ;
  • 김미숙 (경희대학교 생활과학대학 의상학전공)
  • Choi Ju-Young (Dept. of Clothing Textiles Major, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Kim Mi-Sook (Dept. of Clothing Textiles Major, Kyung Hee University)
  • 발행 : 2005.09.01


The purpose of this study was to apply a scientific and systematic method for assessing fashion goods' TV ads effects by EEG and questionnaires as determined by the type of ads appeal. Ads stimulants used in the survey were limited to underwear and sportswear that were advertised during $2000{\sim}2002$ on TV: 4 information-transferring and 4 emotion-evoking ads were used. Subjects were thirty healthy male and female college students. EEG was extracted from six lobes and the recorded EEG was analyzed by the range of frequency of ${\theta},\;{\alpha}\;and\;{\beta}$ waves. Data were analyzed by SPSS 11.0 with reliability test, $x^2$-analysis, t-test and frequency analysis. The emotion-evoking ads showed higher scores in memory, recall and attitude towards the ads. The responses of ${\theta}\;and\;{\alpha}$ wave were active throughout the ads but the response of ${\beta}$ wave was not. The results by the survey and the EEG test showed high similarities, indicating the EEG tests could be used as the supplementary tool for measuring ads effects.



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