Effect of 12-week Low Calorie Diet and Behavior Modification on the Anthropomeric Indices and Biochemical Nutritional Status of Obese Woman

12주 동안의 저열량식사와 행동수정요법이 비만여성의 체격지수와 생화학적 영양상태에 미치는 영향

  • Son, Sook-Mee (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, The Catholic University of Korea) ;
  • Kim, Hee-Jun (Department of Food Science and Nutrition, The Catholic University of Korea)
  • 손숙미 (가톨릭대학교 식품영양학과) ;
  • 김희준 (가톨릭대학교 식품영양학과)
  • Published : 2005.08.01


This study was conducted to investigate the effect of a 3 week low calorie diet (LCD) and a 9 week of behavior modification (BM) program on the weight loss, mineral and vitamin status in 22 obese women. The subject were healthy, obese (PIBW> $120\%$) women aged 20 - 50 Yr and not taking any medications known to influence body composition, mineral or vitamin metabolism During the LCD program, subjects were provided commercial liquid formulas with 125 kcal per pack and were instructed to have a formula for replacement of one meal and at least one regular meal per day within the range of daily 800 - 1200 kcal intake. During the BM program the subjects weekly attended the group nutrition counseling session to encourage themselves to modify their eating behavior and spontaneously restrict their energy intakes. The BM program focused on stimulus control, control of portion sizes and modification of binge eating and other adverse habits. The initial mean energy intake of subjects was 2016.9 $\pm$ 129.8 kcal ($100.8\%$ of RDA) and dropped to 1276.5 $\pm$ 435.7 kcal at the end of a 3 week of LCD program and elevated to 1762 $\pm$ 329.3 kcal at the end of a 9 week of BM program. Carbohydrate, protein and fat intakes were significantly decreased at the end of the LCD but carbohydrate was the only macro nutrient that showed significant decrease (p < 0.05) at the end of the BM program compared to baseline. Calcium and iron intakes decreased significantly (p < 0.01, respectively) with no significant changes in other micronutrients at the end of the LCD. The mean weight of the subjects decreased from 73.8 $\pm$ 8.0 kg to 69.2 $\pm$ 7.7 kg with LCD and ended up with 67.7 $\pm$ 7.1 kg after 9 weeks of BM. The 3 weeks of LCD reduced most of the anthropometric indices such as BMI, PIBW, fat weight, wast-to-hip ratio and subscapular and suprailiac skinfold thickness. The 9 weeks of behavior modification showed slight change or maintenance of each anthropometric measurements. Weight loss and decreased WHR with the diet program induced significantly decreased systolic blood pressure. SGOT, SGPT and serum insulin levels with improved serum lipid profiles. Biochemical parameters related to iron status such as hemoglobin, hematocrit were significantly decreased (p < 0.01) at the end of the LCD. But their mean values were within normal range. The mean serum 25 (OH) vitamin $D_3$ level significantly increased after whole diet program. Serum folate level significantly decreased after 12 weeks of diet program. In conclusion 3 weeks of LCD brought 4.6 kg reduction in body weight without risk of iron, zinc or vitamin D deficiency and 9 weeks of the BM was effective to maintain nutritional status with slightly more weight reduction (1.5 kg). However calcium intake and serum folate should be monitored during the LCD and BM because of increased risk of deficiencies.



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