A Study of the Characteristics of Cybernetics Exhibited in Fashion as a Media of Digital Environment

디지털환경 매체로서 패션에 나타난 사이버네틱스의 특성에 관한 연구

  • Kim Hyun-Soo (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Seoul National University) ;
  • Kim Min-Ja (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles, Seoul National University)
  • Published : 2005.07.01


The goal of this research, contorted from the perspective of media aesthetics, is to uncover the ways how mechanical/cybersensual fashion products express aesthetic characteristics of cybernetics, by comparing them with digital products designed by an application of cybernetics. The other goal is to provide a cultural and design framework of cybernetics as d digital-environmental medium for fashion in which hightech and human sensibilities are fused. The results urged to explore two new contrasting perceptual possibilities for an understanding of digital technology application: negative and positive feedbacks. Cybernetic optimism, centered on technological dimensions, focuses on a concept of fashion that emphasize instrumental aspects-efficiency and convenience. In contrast, cybernetic pessimism focuses on digital fashion that expresses environmental destruction and the loss of human identity. A comparative analysis of the aesthetics of expression in digital fashion design and digital industrial products from a cybernetic perspective showed that in digital environment society, the combination of negative and positive feedbacks resulted in design products in which internal and external aspects of beauty complemented each other.



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