Seasonal Occurrence and Control of Rice Skipper, Parnara guttata Brener et Grey (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) in Paddy Field

  • Published : 2005.12.30


In Iksan, Korea, Parnara guttata Brener et Grey spend three generations per year, 1st generation adult emerged mid to late May from pupa developed from overwintered larva in weeds on bank around rice paddy field or on hillside and moved to rice paddy field to lay eggs on leaves of rice. The damage to rice by 2nd generation larva began to increase late July and reached peak from mid to late August. The 3rd generation adults were observed early to mid September and flew away from rice paddy field. There was significant relationship between the transplanting time and the occurrence of P. guttata in rice paddy fields. P. guttata preferred the rice transplanted in late season in paddy field. Insecticide treatment on late July about a week before the peak larval occurrence reduced the damage by P. guttata up to 91.2%, whereas the treatment on early August was a lot less effective reducing only 57.2% of the damage.

익산지역에서 벼 줄점팔랑나비(Parnara guttata)는 1년에 3세대를 경과하며, 5월중 하순부터 월동처에서 우화하여 논으로 이동한 다음 벼 잎에 산란하기 시작하였다. 유충에 의한 벼의 피해는 7월 하순부터 증가하여 8월 중 하순 사이에 가장 많은 것으로 관찰되었으며, 3세대 성충이 우화하기 시작하는 시기는 9월 중순이었다. 벼의 이망시기와 줄점팔랑나비에 의한 피해는 만식한 논에서 켰다. 살충제를 유충발생 최성기 약 1주일 전인 7월 하순에 처리하였을 때 91.2%의 방제효과를 나타낸 반면 8월 초순에 처리할 경우에는 방제효과가 57.2%로 낮았다.



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