Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing (한국보건간호학회지)
- Volume 19 Issue 2
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- Pages.371-381
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- 2005
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- 1226-0290(pISSN)
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- 2234-2869(eISSN)
Development and Testing of Day Care Program for Demented Elders
주간보호센터 중심의 재가 치매노인을 위한 프로그램의 개발 및 효과 검증 연구
Lim, Young-Mi
(Department of Nursing, Wonju Collage of Medicine, Yonsei University) ;
- Jeong, Bok-Hee (Wonju Catholic Welfare Center)
- Published : 2005.09.30
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to develop the day care program for the demented elders and to determine the effects of multiple activity therapies on the physical, emotional, cognitive, social function and physiological indicators of dementia elders in day care center. Method: A total of 13 elders with mild dementia in the data care center were participated. Manual and guideline of data care program was developed. Data care program was composed of movement/exercise, foot massage, music therapy, horticultural therapy, and art therapy. Data care program was performed by trained intervener for 32 weeks. Instruments were physical functioning such as hand grip strength., vital capacity, chiar stand test, sit and reach test, one leg standing, Berg' Balance scale, 6m Walk Velocity, stair climb, ADL, GDS-K, MMSE-K, Integrative Social Functioning Scale, cortisol, Ig A and Ig G. These were measured at the baseline, 16-week, and 32-week post-intervention by the trained nurses. Data were analyzed as Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results: For Hand grip, balance, and vital capacity, there was a significant difference between baseline and 16-week post-intervention(p<.05). For one leg standing, 6m velocity, there was a significant difference between 16-week post-intervention and 32-week post-intervention(p<.05). For Stair climb, there was a significant difference between baseline and 32-week post-intervention(p<.05). For depression and social functioning, there was no significant difference among baseline, 16-week, and 32-week post-intervention. For cognitive functioning, there was a significant difference between baseline and 32-week post intervention(p<.05). There was a significant difference of cortisol, and Ig G between baseline and 32-week post-intervention(p<.05). Conclusion: It would appear that physical fitness, functional performance, ADL, depression, social and cognitive functioning, and physiological indicator of community dwelling elders with dementia can be improved through day care program using multiple stimuli.