Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing (한국보건간호학회지)
- Volume 19 Issue 2
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- Pages.284-293
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- 2005
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- 1226-0290(pISSN)
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- 2234-2869(eISSN)
The Relationship on Self-Efficacy, Depression and the Perception of Health Status in Patients with Arthritis
관절염 환자의 자기효능감, 우울 및 건강상태 인지와의 관계
- Kil, Suk-Yong (Department of Nursing, Collage of Medicine, Pochon CHA University) ;
Oh, Won-Oak
(Department of Nursing, Dongguk University)
- Published : 2005.09.30
Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the relationship among self-efficacy, depression and the perception of health status. Method: The subjects of this study consisted of 93 patients with arthritis. The data was collected from July to September, 2004 and it was analyzed with t-tests, ANOVA, Duncan's tests and Pearson Con-elation Coefficients using SAS. Result: Self-efficacy showed significant differences according to the economic status, pain, the number of previous treatment methods, depression, the perception of health status and the number of affected sites. There was a significant correlation between self-efficacy and depression (r=-.48, p<.000), the perception of health status and self-efficacy (r=-.29, p=.01), and perception of health status and depression (r=.34, p.001. Conclusion: Continuous self-management and a proper program on self-efficacy promotion are required for the management of arthritis patients.