노인생애체험전시관의 공간구성에 관한 연구 - 한림대학교 고령사회센타 내 생애체험학습센타 사례를 바탕으로 -

A Study on Space Formation of the Senior Simulation Center

  • 발행 : 2005.06.01


Like other countries undergoing the aging of the population, increases in the aged population have raised serious issues in Korea. The proportion of elderly will be foreseen over $14\%$ of population in 2019, over $20\%$ in 2026 in korea. Due to the rapid increasing in the aged population, it calls for social countermeasures urgently, And recent researches about attitude to the aged find out in general negative attitude to the aged of other generations. It is thought desirable that comprehension to the aged of the commonalty should be educated on the school basis or a variety of informal ways. The study aims to determine the space formation of the senior simulation center that suggest to be considered for the effective education and preparation for the aging of all social members, particularly for the younger generation. In such space formation, it is important to work out a plan of efficiency education according to the systematic environmental setting with a focus on the minimization of problematic behaviors and living disabilities of aging, as interactive experiences gain malfunctions by aging. This study is expected to promote a focus on the integration of the whole generations and improved design management for the environment of a welfare policy for the aged.



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