한국수학사학회지 (Journal for History of Mathematics)
- 제18권2호
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- Pages.23-30
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- 2005
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- 1226-931X(pISSN)
수리철학과 수학의 역사에서 직관
The Intuition in History of Mathematical Philosophy and Mathematics
직관은 참된 지식을 발견하는 도구이며 문제해결 과정에서 번뜩이는 아이디어가 발현되는 것으로 받아들여진다. 직관에 의해 우리는 자명한 사실을 즉각적으로 인식하며, 수학적 사실을 발견하는 힘을 부여받는다. 따라서 직관은 논리와 더불어 수학교육에서 강조해야 할 중요한 주제이다. 인 글에서는 수학 교수
Intuition has played an important role in process of invention of mathematics and given understanding of mathematical truth and the direction of solution. So, I review about intuition in history of mathematical philosophy and mathematics because we need systematic research about intuition for search of the methods for enhancement of intuition in mathematics education. According to the research of scholars who emphasize intuitive education, intuition is common feature which everybody hold and is not special feature which particular person hold. In addition, intuition is universal ability that can enhance by proper instruction. So, we have to emphasize the importance of the development of intuition and education which emphasize creative thought via intuition.