Dairy Dietary Calcium and Osteoporosis - An Overview

  • Jayaprakasha, H.M. (Department of Dairy Technology, University of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Yoon, Y.C. (Department of Food Science and Biotechnology of Animal Resources, Konkuk University)
  • 발행 : 2004.11.18


The osteoporosis is a disease characterized by lower bone mineral content, deterioration of bone tissue and a reduction in the protein and mineral matrix of the bone. The bone becomes more porous leading to increased bone fragility and risk of fracture, particularly of the hip, spine and wrist. Osteoporosis can result in disfigurement, lowered self·esteem, reduction or loss of mobility, and decreased independence. Adequate calcium intake through milk and milk products in childhood and adolescence is a decisive marker for obtaining a maximum bone mass (peak adult bone mass) and f3r the prevention of osteoporosis. Calcium is one of the most critical nutrients associated with the osteoporosis. Dietary calcium is of great significance for healthy skeletal growth and development. The bone mineral content and bone mineral density of young adults is directly related to the calcium intake through milk and dairy products. Milk and milk products are the important sources of calcium as the richness and bioavailability of this nutrient is very high as compared to other food products. If enough calcium is not supplemented through diet, calcium from the bone will be depleted to maintain the blood plasma calcium level. The article focuses on the various issues related to osteoporosis manifestation and the role of dietary calcium especially calcium derived from dairy products.
