Asian Oncology Nursing (종양간호연구)
- Volume 4 Issue 2
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- Pages.124-134
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- 2004
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- 2287-2434(pISSN)
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- 2287-447X(eISSN)
A Study on the Perception of the Nurses in Cancer Wards of the Complementary and Alternative Therapies
암 병동 간호사의 보완대체요법에 관한 인식 조사연구
The major results of this study were as follows : 1. The percentage of nurses who know the complementary and alternative therapies was 50.1% Most of them(70.6%) acknowledged the therapies from newspapers, television and magazines. 2. The complementary and alternative therapy was perceived as effective by 64.9% of the nurses and as trusted by 60.2% of them The effective methods of the therapy are acupuncture herb medicine and massage. 3. Most of the nurses 93.4% experienced getting inquiries from patients or their guardians whether to use the therapies. 4. The complementary and alternative therapies was experienced by 38.9% of nurses and 7.1% of them use the therapies frequently 92.9% of patients and families were satisfied with the result 'Massage Therapy' was used the most with no side-effects and thus higher need of education for nurses. 5. They wanted to be trained for massage therapy finger-pressure, music therapy, acupuncture, aroma therapy in order. 6. Reliance on the complementary and alternative therapies, 75.2% of nurses completed the course trusted the therapies and the result of others uncompleted was similar as 52.2% Moreover both 79.5% of nurses completed it and 61.6% of the others said that the complementary and alternative therapy's nursing interventions is possible to develop. 7. It shows high relation to recognition having possibilities for applying and developing as the nursing intervention. if the confidence is as high as about the complementary and alternative therapies. Based of the results of this study as above this study proposes as follows. First, The nurses should understand mentality of the patients so that the nurses have to put in operation appropriate nursing intervention as accurate knowledge of the alternation therapies using to cancer patients for having on damages to patients from their rash using way. Furthermore, it is necessary to supply the special place and the professional nurses taking complete charge at them. Next politic interest and support from government are required to develop and practice systematic and resonable education programs for the complementary and alternative therapies. Moreover, it is necessary for nurses to be educated about the therapies continually. Finally, it is compulsory that the research and development for complementary and alternative therapies is needed. In addition, it has to be made standard and legal equipment for safety efficacy and theory about the therapies.