현대 주거건축에 있어서 추상적 형태 표현 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Characteristics of Abstractive Form Expression in Contemporary Housing Architectures

  • 장훈익 (울산과학대학 공간디자인학부)
  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


This study examined how the characteristics of abstractive form among various contenporary housing architecture have been expressed. The conclusions were: First, abstractive characteristics and types related to from expression of contemporary housing architectures were minimal form and absolute form of geometrical abstraction, plastic form and atypical form of expressive abstraction and mechanical aesthetics of industrial abstraction. Second, the typological form expression characteristics in minimal expression related to geometrical abstraction were simplicity, purity, and the properties of matter, and the characteristics in absolute expression were overlapping, obliqueness and dispensability. On the other hand, plasticity and mobility of materials were distinctive in plastic form expression, and inclination, curve and asymmetry were distinctive in atypical expression. The distinctive nature of mechanical aesthetics related to industrial abstraction included transparency, simplicity and. the properties of matter Funhermore, the study aimed at the understanding of various from expressions showed up in contemporary housing architecture, revealing the aspects of abstractive form expression characteristics.



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