An Application of Probabilistic Environmental Risk Assessment for An Incineration Facility

소각설비에 대한 확률론적 환경위험성 평가 적용

  • Kim, Young Jae (United Pacific PLG, Inc.) ;
  • Jang, E.J. (United Pacific PLG, Inc.) ;
  • Ahn, K.S. (Dept. of Civil & Environmental System Engineering, University of Inchon)
  • 김영제 ((주) 유나이티드 퍼시픽 피엘지) ;
  • 장의종 ((주) 유나이티드 퍼시픽 피엘지) ;
  • 안경수 (인천대학교 토목공학과)
  • Received : 2003.09.02
  • Accepted : 2004.02.16
  • Published : 2004.02.28


A wide spectrum of risk assessments including qualitative and quantitative approaches and the analyses of its consequence were performed for an environmentally sensitive object such as incineration facility. To find out the major risk concerns, HAZOP(Hazard and Operability) were performed. Then, the frequency of hazardous gas release scenarios was calculated. Finally consequence analyses were performed for the gas release scenarios. On the basis of analyses through evaluation, a more innovative way for making a better control system or the enhancement of operation procedure was given. The results from these analyses would act as a substantial benefits for the incineration facility operator, and giving some measured information for the neighbors and the people involved.



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