Intepretation of Faradaic Impedance for Corrosion Monitoring

  • Itagaki, M. (Science University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science and Technology) ;
  • Taya, A. (Science University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science and Technology) ;
  • Imamura, M. (Science University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science and Technology) ;
  • Saruwatari, R. (Science University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science and Technology) ;
  • Watanabe, K. (Science University of Tokyo, Faculty of Science and Technology)
  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


A polarization resistance is generally used to estimate the corrosion rate in the corrosion monitoring by an electrochemical impedance method. When the Faradaic impedance has a time constant due to the reaction intermediate, the electrochemical impedance describes more than one loop on the complex plane. For example, the electrochemical impedance of iron in acidic solution shows capacitive and inductive loops on the complex plane. In this case, the charge transfer resistance and the polarization resistance are determined at middle and low frequency ranges, respectively. Which should be selected for corrosion resistance in corrosion monitoring, the charge transfer resistance or the polarization resistance'? In the present paper, the above-mentioned question is examined theoretically and experimentally.



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