Clinical Study of Sanjoin- Tang on Insomnia Patients with Cerebrovascular Accident

뇌혈관 장애환자의 불면증에 대한 산조인탕의 치료효과에 대한 임상연구

  • Hong Hyun Woo (Department of Oriental Medicine, Graduate School, Dong-Eui University) ;
  • Lee Sung Do (Department of Oriental Medicine, Graduate School, Dong-Eui University) ;
  • Gam Chul Woo (Department of Oriental Medicine, Graduate School, Dong-Eui University) ;
  • Park Dong Il (Department of Oriental Medicine, Graduate School, Dong-Eui University)
  • 홍현우 (동의대학교 부속 한방병원 5내과학교실) ;
  • 이성도 (동의대학교 부속 한방병원 5내과학교실) ;
  • 감철우 (동의대학교 부속 한방병원 5내과학교실) ;
  • 박동일 (동의대학교 부속 한방병원 5내과학교실)
  • Published : 2004.12.01


This research study has been conducted to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of Sanjoin-Tang(酸棗仁湯) for insomnia relief. The clinical testing of Sanjoin-Tang(酸棗仁湯) was carried out at Oriental Medical Center of Dong-Eui University with the participation of 30 patients. The results of Sanjoin-Tang(酸棗仁湯) treatments show as follows: Change of total amount of sleep showed 1.75±2.23 hours of increase.(p-value=0.001, respectively) Change of average delaying bedtime before and after the treatment showed 1.57±2.50 hours of decrease.(p-value=0.001, respectively) Change of average bedtime arousal before and after the treatment showed 0.96±1.46 times of decrease. (p-value=0.004, respectively) Change of sleep quality after the treatment has improved. According to statistical results, Sanjoin-Tang(酸棗仁湯) has proven effective for reducing sleep disorders, and this, restoring normal sleep patterns.



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  43. 增注類證活人書 朱肱
  44. 儒門事親 張子和
  45. 東垣十種醫書 李東垣
  46. 丹溪心法附餘 朱震亨
  47. 石室秘錄 陣士鐸
  48. 編注醫學入門 이천
  49. 景岳全書 張介賓
  50. 心系內科學 全國韓醫科大學 心系內科學敎室