A Clinical Study of the Live Blood Condition of Women′s Shoulder Measurement

여성 견비통 환자의 생혈액 형태에 대한 임상적인 연구

  • Kim Gyeong-Cheol (Department of diagnostics, College of Oriental Medicine, Research Institute of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 김경철 (동의대학교 한의과대학 진단학교실 및 한의학 연구소)
  • Published : 2004.09.01


Objectives : To study the Live Blood Condition of chronic shoulder measurement. Methods : Twenty-one patients were studied. The observation items of the Live Blood Condition are the form's abnormality and cohesion of red blood cells, the abnormality of hemoglobin and the toxicity in plasma. Results : 1. The form's abnormality and cohesion of red blood cells observed were erythrocyte aggregation (8 persons), Rouleau (3 persons), target cells (7 persons), ovalocytes (3 persons), poikilocytes (2 persons). Double conditions observed were erythrocyte aggregation & target cells (3 persons), erythrocyte aggregation & poikilocytes (1 person), target cells & ovalocytes (l person). 2. The abnormality of hemoglobin and the toxicity in plasma observed were cholesterol crystals (5 persons), atherosclerotic plaque (3 persons), chylous (6 persons). 3. The form normality of red blood was generally observed in one woman. The normality of hemoglobin and the non-toxicity in plasma were generally observed in seven women. Conclusions : According to this study of the Live Blood Condition of women's shoulder measurement, these results suggest that the twenty-one patients evidence the conditions of extravasated blood and phlegm.
