인도네시아어의 파열음의 발성유형 연구

A Study of Phonation Types of the Plosives in Bahasa Indonesia

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


The present study investigates phonation types of the plosives in Bahasa Indonesia in terms of VOT, F0, durations of intervocalic closure, the preceding vowel, and the following vowel. The results showed that two speaker groups have distinct phonation types. Speaker Group I was characterized by a short voice lag for voiceless plosives and a considerable amount of voice lead for voiced ones. Speaker Group II was characterized by a short lag for both voiceless and voiced plosives. Although both groups showed a significant difference in F0 and the durations of individual segments between voiceless and voiced plosives, they had a remarkable difference in the temporal structure of the segments. Speaker Group I had temporal compensation between the intervocalic closure and the surrounding vowels across voice, such that the shorter the intervocalic closure the longer the surrounding vowels, while Speaker Group 2 didn't. This means that there are two different phonation type systems within a language.
