Evaluation of NPS Pollutant Loads from Clayey Loam Fields

점토질 롬 밭과 논의 비점오염원 부하량 평가

  • 최중대 (강원대학교 농업생명과학대학 농업공학부) ;
  • 권순국 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학 생물자원공학부) ;
  • 권기석 (안동대학교 생명자원과학부)
  • Published : 2004.01.01


NPS pollutant loads from sandy clayey and clayey loam runoff plots were measured. Runoff plots were 2$\times$10 m in size and 8~10% in slope and paddy area was 4,620 $m^2$. Soybean, corn, tobacco and control (natural weed) were cultured. Precipitation during the growing season of June to October, 2002 was 869.5 mm. Runoff and water quality were measured more than 10 times during the measurements depending on the growing stage. Pollutants loads were estimated by using respective concentration and runoff volume. Runoff occurred when daily rainfall exceeded about 30 mm. The largest runoff was observed from the paddy but pollutant loads were larger from upland crops than those from paddy. SS loads from paddy and upland were 1.4 ton/ha/yr and 3.1~4.3 ton/ha/yr, respectively. COD loads 30 kg/ha/yr and 66~90 kg/ha/yr, T-N loads 13 kg/ha/yr and 14~23 kg/ha/yr, T-P loads 1 kg/ha/yr와 4 kg/ha/yr, nitrate nitrogen loads 1 kg/ha/yr and 4~8 kg/ha/yr, and phosphate phosphorus loads 0 kg/ha/yr and 4~6 kg/ha/yr, respectively. It was concluded that NPS pollutant loads from upland crop culture have greater impact on the quality of the receiving water body than those from paddy culture.



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