Changes in Proteome Following Exposure to Di (2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate in Chironomus riparius (Diptera: Chironomidae)

  • 발행 : 2004.12.01


Due to the fourth-instar larvae of C. riparius have a sensitive to ecdysteroidal molting hormones for the life cycle developments, accordingly the emerged adult affected corresponding to larval phase's environments. The emerged female from larval phase exposure to DEHP observed a fact body and clumsy fling behavior in females. The body volume of treated female groups was clearly larger than that of control fe- males. In the 2D/E gel 1108 protein spots were identified. The visualized protein spots allowed extraction of 27 protein spots differed more than 3 fold in DEHP treated animals, which was approximately 2.4% of the total protein spots. In this view, the body volume (or morphological characters) was well observed and detected faster than physiological detection for various EDCs. In this study, the body volume as a detecting po-int for EDCs suggested a bio-marker in individual levels.



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