전국 시도별 비산먼지 배출량 산정 (2001년도)

Estimation of Fugitive Dust Emission by Administrative Districts

  • 김현구 (포항산업과학연구원 환경에너지연구센터) ;
  • 정용원 (인하대학교 환경토목공학과) ;
  • 홍지형 (국립환경연구원 대기연구부)
  • 발행 : 2004.04.01


According to the annual emission estimates of U.S.A., fugitive dust, the particulate matter entrained in the ambient air which is caused from man-made or natural activities such as movement of soil, vehicles, equipments and windblown dust, contributes 90% of PM$_{10}$ emission. In spite of an importance of fugitive dust emission in PM$_{10}$ estimation, it is excluded in the national emission inventory of Korea so far. In this paper, an emission inventory of fugitive dust for each region and in major cities throughout the country, which is the first time in Korea these values have been compiled, is presented. Sources of fugitive dust emission have been classified into paved/unpaved roads, construction operations, agricultural operations, and natural sources. The emission factors of the existing fugitive dust emission were reassessed in a way that significantly improved the reliability of the estimated result. The Korea's first national emission inventory of fugitive dust by administrative districts proposed in this paper would provide scientific reference data for establishing an reduction strategy of PM$_{10}$ and preparing effective control measures, and would contribute to academic achievement in the atmospheric environments field and the establishment of CAPSS (Clean Air Policy Support System).stem).



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