부모의 원가족 경험과 부부갈등 및 아동 행동문제의 일반적 성향과 이들간의 인과 관계

Characteristics of and Causal Relationship among Parental Family-of-Origin Experiences, Marital Conflicts, and Children′s Behavioral Problems

  • 정문자 (연세대학교 아동ㆍ가족학과) ;
  • 전연진 (연세대학교 생활과학연구소)
  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


This study aimed to find the general tendencies of parental family-of-origin experiences and conflict and their children's behavioral problems as a function of a child's sex, as well as the causal relationships among these variables. Three hundred and five 4th and 5th graders filled out the Korean Version of Achenbach's Child Behavior Checklist. Parents of these children answered the Family-of-Origin Scale and Marital Conflict Inventory. The results were as follows. 1) Fathers experienced more of emotional cut-off from their family of origin than mothers did. However, mothers had more of triangulation and emotional separation from their family of origin than fathers did. 2) Both fathers and mothers reported that mothers had more of marital conflicts. 3) Daughters showed more physical symptoms than sons while sons showed more delinquent behaviors. 4) While parental experiences from the family-of-origin effected the parents' marital conflicts, they didn't influence the children's behavioral problems through marital conflicts.



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