통합적 교육활동을 통한 교통안전교육이 유아의 교통안전 지식에 미치는 영향

The Effects of Traffic Safety Education by Integrated Activies on Children′s Traffic Safety Knowledge

  • 발행 : 2004.09.01


This study investigated the effectiveness of traffic safety education by integrated activities on children's traffic safety knowledge. Subjects were 55 kindergarten children aged 5 years old. The subjects were divided into experimental and control groups. Traffic safety education by integrated activities were applied in the experimental group for 6 weeks. The traffic safety knowledge test was administered to the experimental and control groups for pre-test and post-test analyses. ANCOVA was carried out for both groups to verify the hypothesis of this study. There were statistically significant differences of the children's traffic safety knowledge score including walking, bike, and automobile between the experimental and control groups. To conclude, traffic safety education by integrated activities was very effective to increase children's traffic safety knowledge.



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