Numerical Study on Laminar Flow over Three Side-by-Side Cylinders

  • Kang, Sangmo (Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dong-A University)
  • 발행 : 2004.10.01


The present study has numerically investigated two-dimensional flow over three circular cylinders in an equidistant side-by-side arrangement at a low Reynolds number. For the study, numerical simulations are performed, using the immersed boundary method, in the range of g* < 5 at Re= 100, where g* is the spacing between two adjacent cylinder surfaces divided by the cylinder diameter. Results show that the flow characteristics significantly depend on the gap spacing and a total of five kinds of wake patterns are observed over the range: modulation-synchronized (g* (equation omitted) 2), inphase-synchronized (g* (equation omitted) 1.5) , flip-flopping (0.3 < g* (equation omitted) 1.2) , deflected (g* (equation omitted) 0.3), and single bluff-body patterns (g* < 0.3). Moreover, the parallel and symmetric modes are also observed depending on g* in the regime of the flip-flopping pattern. The corresponding flow fields and statistics are presented to verify the observations.



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