골밀도 검사 후 치료지시 이행정도에 영향을 미치는 요인

The Influencing Factors of the Compliance Level with Therapeutic Regimen after the Bone Mineral Densitometry

  • 발행 : 2004.02.01


Purpose: This study was to identify the influencing factors of the compliance level to a therapeutic regimen after a bone mineral densitometry test. Method: The sample for the study was 95 people who took the bone mineral densitometry test from March, 2002 to July, 2002. Data was collected by mail using aself reporting questionnaire on the selected variables such as the compliance level, self efficacy, health locus of control, susceptibility, severity, usefulness, barrier, and self esteem. Results: The average compliance level was 63.93. Through multiple regression, three independent variables including chance health locus of control on personality, the result of bone mineral density and self-efficacy were entered in the model as the significant determinants of the compliance level after a bone mineral densitometry test. The coefficients of determination of each variable were 10.9%, 8.3% and 8.1% respectively. Conclusion: The identification of the determinants of the compliance level to the therapeutic regimen after bone mineral densitometry is expected to contribute to the development of an intervention program to improve the compliance level to the therapeutic regimen in osteoporosis patients.



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