패션 일러스트레이션에 나타나는 들뢰즈의 포스트구조주의적 특성 연구

A Study on the Property of Post-Structuralism in Fashion illustration by Delouse

  • 발행 : 2004.08.01


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between thought systems of post-structuralism by Deleuze and digital culture which is the core topic of social and cultural discussion. And this study also aims to grasp the diversity and movable thinking shown in fashion illustration from the aesthetic thought systems of post-structuralism theory by Deleuze. Furthermore, this study intends to ascertain the concrete representation characteristics and its significance of fashion illustration by analyzing works on the basis of the above-mentioned theory. What are discussed in this paper can be summarized as follows First, this study examined the post-structuralism which supplies the theoretic basis for figuring out the principles of diversity and movable thinking. Second, this study examined the relationship between the open structure and movable individuality of Deleuze who is a representative scholar of post- structuralism. Third, this study analyzed the representative characteristics and aesthetic value to which the principles of post-structuralism, derived from the aesthetic theory of Deleuze, was applied.



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